Nights Drawing In
An afternoon of looking after the wee one, including a brief time on the beach. I’m not sure I should be let out any more, however. Earlier on, I parked up at Ocean Terminal, as one does (we were after children’s books). But climbing out the car, I wasn’t happy how it had been parked - I’d left too big a gap in front. So I promptly opened the door and climbed in to rectify matters, to find myself sitting in the back seat. I’d even closed the door before realising there was no steering wheel. Laugh, well, she absolutely did.
Later, to the DiggeryDigDogs, to meet up with a few of the scoundrel crew and hear their tales. I never told them about the car parking, though Mr McC had a scorcher about his parking - don’t try and avoid the astronomical drop off charges at the airport by waiting at the adjoining hotel, that’s all.
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