
By TexMama


Considering that not a whiff of beer was present at my little Paddy's day party yesterday, it seems odd that I still managed to finish off the day on the kitchen floor?! I should explain :0) after turning off the lights I noticed a cup in the glow from the porch light, sitting on the windowsill. "Well that's just waiting for the dog to jump up and knock it down," thought I "I will just pop that back to the kitchen before I go to bed." Little did I know, in the 2 seconds that it took to grab the cup and head back, my rather large dog had decided to lie down in the kitchen doorway, in the dark...and so I collided with the dog and came crashing down onto the hard tile floor (you'll be glad to know I did keep a hold of that cup though). Ouch!
after being picked up, snivelling like a baby...I hobbled off to bed, where I spent the night tossing and turning with pain in my legs and feet and woke up this morning feeling not much better. And so I am living in the recliner today and hoping to feel better tomorrow - my children have been very nice, making me snacks and tea and bringing me things :0)

This afternoon they were out on the porch chopping up sticks with an electric handsaw (as boys do) and one of them came in with this little creation. Apparantly it is a chess piece (they had just been playing chess)...pretty clever little chap I thought. I promised him I'd blip it - rather glad to find a blip that I could get from the recliner :0)

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