
Today we departed Lancaster after a tremendous week of family events and reunions.

We ended up staying at a converted barn in the parish of Quernmore three plus miles out of Lancaster. As I blipped mid August last year -
- our family have had links with the area from over a century ago.

It is a tribute to the florist at our daughter’s wedding on Friday that despite the heat the decorations remained in a good state.

So much so we thought we would leave one at this grave of Annie Wandsworth, a sister of my grandfather who died in 1890. Our son on the way back did a detour to Canonbie to leave another at one of the McAdam graves.

These links with Lancaster did allow me to suggest at the wedding that, as our daughter’s wife is from Yorkshire, the family links with Lancaster were so strong that we could be bringing together the red and white roses of Lancaster and York. You should have heard the reaction. Edinburgh v Glasgow has nothing on that relationship!

The extra is of a water bath on a wall at the barn where we stayed. The item is nothing special but I like the way the moss has grown.

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