Today is the Minx's birthday and this is the present I managed to find at the salvage place, which I picked up yesterday. I think she was nearly as pleased with it as I was :-)

We had a birthday breakfast in Chorlton with Charlie, and then I stayed at home and recorded my radio show while the miniMinx took her mum out for lunch.

After lunch they went on to do some last minute holiday shopping as the miniMinx is going away tomorrow but we only got her negative PCR test back yesterday. And that meant I could go and do one more run with Hannah.

Lacking a lift and dubious about the public transport option, I ran out to Ancoats, did the run with Hannah, and then ran back again, which set me up nicely for a curry with Dan in the evening, back in Kirkby Lonsdale. (He started testing negative yesterday and his isolation ended today.)

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