By lizzie_birkett

A Whiter Shade of Pale...

...is the name of this lovely rose.
We had some much needed rain and thunder and lightning. It has certainly cleared the air and given the garden a much needed natural watering.

A lazy day today. I was so tired and had planned a lie in till 7am then coffee in bed with my book.
Bella had other ideas and bounded up the stairs at 6 - tail wagging and hitting every wall to wish us good morning. Frank ignored her and she left his side of the bed and came round to me. How could I ignore her? Anyway, I got up and made coffee and didn't go back to bed.
We took Bella walkies up the track and across the fields then down the other side back into the village. It was so hot and close.
I did a bit of pottering in the garden. Planted the little broccoli plants I'd had in a box on top of the boat so they can grow freely now.

We both had a doze on the sofas after lunch and were woken abrubtly by a really loud crack of thunder. I thought something drastic had happened outside like something massive falling in the back yard. Then came the torrential rain and lightning.

I read my book for a bit - still reading Hamnet and loving it!

Now it's a bit of telly time, we may try The Handmaid's Tale from season 1. We didn't watch it first time round. Don't really know what to expect.

Thanks for the lovely comments, stars and hearts for the happy couple yesterday. 


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