By lizzie_birkett

The Happy Couple!

Sam and Paul got married!
(Sam is my niece) They had to cancel twice so were so happy to tie the knot today.

Too tired to write much but:

1 The train journey there was fine, not many passengers and they all wore masks.
2 The ceremony was so lovely and it was nice to see them and my sister and nephew. The weather was perfect.
3 The train journey back was initially fine. More passengers and 1 or 2 without masks but well away from me and the windows were all open.
At Ribblehead a large group of hikers boarded - all without masks - Grrrrrr!

Frank and Bella May met me from the train. They stayed at home as someone had to stay with Bella ;-)
Frank made a yummy stir fry for tea then we watched re runs of Miranda :-D))

Goodnight :-)x

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