Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Mangey Old Flower

About time I threw these faded Gerberas away, but they provided me with a desperate blip subject tonight as today has been a bit manic.

Poor EG went in to have a routine op at 4.30pm but fainted and still isn't home at nearly 10pm (he's about to be discharged and is feeling okay). As I had to collect him from work and take him in all the rush hour traffic I didn't get home till 5 and then Eva needed feeding and I had to sort dinner for Tobes, then it was bath and bed time. The poor dogs haven't had a walk yet. They are properly sulking! But both little ones are asleep.

I almost daren't write it on here in case I jinx it but Eva has gone to bed at 8.30pm for over a week now, with a dream feed at midnight. Tonight she was even awake when I put her down and she just settled herself and went to sleep. She seems to have been so much better since she has started on some solids, especially having something at tea time. It seems to have put a stop to the frantic cluster feeding from 6 till midnight. (I bet I will have a nightmare with her tomorrow night now, but I have really enjoyed looking back at all the stages Toby went through recorded on here so I want to do the same for Eva too!)

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