It was a very good year.

Mono Monday - Back to the 60s... It's worth pondering where we are today, and what life was like in the 60s... Of course, wonderful things happened. Right at the start, in January 1961, a marvellous child was born who went on to do not very much until they gave him money to go away, and he got himself a blip account.

But the 60s were a tremendously chaotic time of change and revolution. Britain had pretty much cleared up from the turmoil of the Second World War, and post-war austerity was about to end. But then there was The Bomb, and the Cold War, and over the Pond, Vietnam. There was Twiggy, and The Beatles, and The Pill. And LSD. And at some stage midway through the 60s football actually came home.

Apparently, the average house price was £2k5 and a loaf of bread (well, that seemed to be how things were measured) cost the modern equivalent of 5p and it came sliced if you were fancy. The audio cassette and choc ices were sold to a population in Britain of 53 Million, toward the end now the 60s Concorde flew and Man landed on the Moon.

Well... everyone else was doing records. ;-)

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