while the sun shines

If you are on Instagram, have a look at this woman who has just walked from her home in Dorset all the way to Edinburgh to raise money for Freedom From Torture. We hear a lot about young (mostly) men (mostly) doing adventurous things, but I'm heartened to hear stories of women in their 60s who are out there like Rose, being amazing.

Looking at all Rose's posts, I see that she had a personal trainer who helped to get her fit for her long walk. As I am preparing for a long walk myself, I've been out training today with the grass rake, making big mounds of hay (see extra). No bingo wings for me!

I was sorry to disturb a few frogs like this one who gave me a very hard stare before hopping away. There are plenty of nice damp shady places for them to live nearby, so I don't feel too bad :-)

We enjoyed our bivvy so much last week that we are going to do it again tonight, for the full moon (although it will be low in the south even at azimuth at 2.18am so we may not see it..). Making the most of this wonderful wonderful summer weather!

Today's ride: to the Post Office and back 10.92 miles

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