Innovative art

Another wet and grey day, indoor occupations recommended. Had to venture out for haircuts, otherwise we'd have been tucked up at home. Also called in at Chichester Cathedral where an artist has constructed a temporary labyrinth to walk in prayer. Beautiful use of woven willow to separate the everyday world from the tranquil world of prayer.

Lunch at Zizzie's, courtesy of the Taste Card which pays for itself in no time at all. Chichester branch is full of these delightful artworks designed by Lizzie Mary Cullen, a talented young artist. Zizzie's have a commitment to developing fresh talent by giving graduates a showcase for their skills, in the restaurant environment. These bespoke and intricate illustrations reflect Chichesters winding streets and rich history, with symbols covering market trading, architecture, the Roman period, culture and theatre etc. What a great policy for a chain of businesses to have. This is the second I've seen, I'll certainly be on the look out for others, not least because the Taste Card lets us have two-for-one meals here!

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