Leopardy Letesia

A day of washing clothes for friends, washing our own clothes, cleaning the flat etc etc... The kids got involved after a bit of cajoling and the place is looking good...plus smelling to high heaven after bunging all my herby oils in the mop bucket to try and deter mozzies. 
Late afternoon Letesia came over for a catch up. She, I and the kids went out for pizza and ice cream in the Port. I couldn't resist dragging her along to this wall as the colours of her dress and the turquoise were just lovely together. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A kind postman who didn't laugh for too long when I had to open the door to him with a green clay face mask on. Ha! It was quite hard to discuss the frustrations of import tax post Brexit whilst trying not to crack the dried clay, ha!
2) Essential oils - one of the joys in my life. 
3) Letesia - a friend to learn from! She's a mover and a shaker of a woman. 

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