So so good to have coffee with Sole before her shift at the café began...lots of ground covered conversationally! 
This afternoon we saw Juliette for her birthday - first at her parents house on the other side of the island and then for paella at a restaurant on the beach. I went to take some pics of her, her mom and Giorgia and discovered my camera battery was flat!!! Nooooooo!!! Incredibly frustrating! So the blip is a pic Asha took on my phone. All the paella leftovers (a lot!) were parcelled up for us to take to friends on the street. Nate enjoyed looking after his doll 'baby Giorgia'. He made sure Juliette's mom had a cuddle too, ha! 

Home and my headache was pretty strong, so an early night!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Time with Sole. 
2) Being invited to Juliette's birthday - felt a huge honour to be included in her family plans.
3) Asha's neck and shoulder pain continuing to ease.

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