Lala's Journal

By Lala


In a pot in the garden.
Sometimes I do wonder how we are not all being marched off by men in white coats! So many emotions in one day!

It stated  when I woke and saw I had three missed messages from Megan, who had been in pain during the night and didn’t know what to do! I tried messaging back, but had to wait until she woke a couple of hours later. She’d also messaged her dad, and he hadn’t heard the phone either. The Mollie, distraught because despite having a negative PCR the school wouldn’t allow her back either for her trip today or leavers day tomorrow ‘just in case’

James next who still having no news was beginning to plan what he could do if there was still no news from the land registry. It was all pretty grim but at least he was thinking about it because tomorrow is the last day it can happen! 

In between all these calls I was working! 

On the way home James rang again, oh boy he was angry! He had phoned the land registry again and got a sympathetic lady who went away to look at the paperwork when she returned she told him he had been given wrong advice and was trying to get the wrong thing removed! At this point he broke down, and she told him she would call him back. This she did, just as he was talking to me. The next call……he was euphoric! In the blink of an eye she had done it for him! Lifted the ‘pending, request’ and expressed many apologies for all the confusion!!

Now it’s full steam ahead for completion next Friday. I just can’t help worrying that he will now get COVID from Megan, but I guess we will have to face it if it happens. 

And then……. A call from Sarah…..Liam has it! They both took precautionary tests having been with Megan at the weekend and his result is positive. He is due to leave his current job tomorrow and start a new job in 2 weeks. His personal training work was to fund the bills for the time in between and now he has to cancel his clients and won’t have any income. 

I’m sure our lives wouldn’t be accepted as a script for tv soap as being too unbelievable!

Update on Sam, for jenny. Claire has been taken to St Thomas’ Hospital, to be able to receive the best care. If no change next week, baby will be delivered at 28 weeks and stay there in ICU until due date in October. Sam is now on furlough. 

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