I woke up this morning and this was the view from my bed, in fact, as I was on holiday today, that is where I took the picture from! But it was lucky for us that the snow waited to fall here until today. It will be much thicker on the route we took back from Masham yesterday, and any route home has to cross higher ground, there's just no way round it.

Twin lambs were born in the field across the lane just before I woke up, and just before the snow started to fall more thickly. Poor wee things. But as I watched, Mum wandered off leaving one lamb sitting down in the snow and the other standing and shivering. She walked a fair way across the field and it was several minutes before she looked back and realised she was supposed to have company. Apart from when the feed wagon arrives I have never seen a sheep run so fast and in such a determined manner as she did to get back to her lambs. Though I shouldn't imagine it was very comfortable seeing as she'd just given birth!

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