
By Dominie

Membership drive

I'm still new enough not to have the habit . . . and today I forgot to find a blip until it was almost too late. I made it with a quick snap at the Tomakin Sports & Social Club, where a small group of guys from church meets fortnightly for dinner and a chat. The food is very good and well prepared - and (Scotsman's delight) on Monday nights two meals can be bought for the price of one. I had mouth-watering Grilled Barramundi Fillets Pilaf at the unbelievable cost of $10.

The blip was secured at the club entrance, where a Shuttle Bus was resting between trips ferrying members to and from their homes. The clubs provide this service in part so folk can avail themselves of club amenities without putting themselves at the risk of driving "over the limit" at evening's end.

Sadly, not a few people end up spending too much time and money on the seductive pokies. I do not like these gambling machines, which make rivers of money for the clubs, nor do I ever play them - but must confess this does not stop me taking advantage of the subsidised meals.

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