
I bought this Helenium waltraut  last year and it has just flowered in the past week, looking glorious in the early evening sunshine. Its apparently called "Sneezeweed" because of its (unfounded) ability to cause hay fever. 

Quite a few of the cafe staff seem to be suffering from hay fever just now, which is a real shame as it stops them enjoying the lovely sunny weather. We were pretty busy today, and the wee park beside the cafe was full of children enjoying "Plantasia" workshops!

I told my colleague Tina that when I got home this afternoon I was going to sit in the shade and put my feet up, and I did sit there for a while with a drink and a late lunch, but then I got busy picking raspberries and finally got around to sitting at the computer and reading my allocated essays for the Goi Peace Foundation International Essay Prize. I only had to read 32 out of the many thousands of entries, but it was still a hard task to grade them and choose my favourite. I do this every year and it is quite humbling to read the thoughts, dreams and worries of young people around the world.

D is in the kitchen making our tea (see extra) so I think I might go and sit in the shade for a little while and start my new book (a recommendation from Sarah).

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