Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman

Grey Pansy

Identification - Junonia atlites, grey pansy.

I rarely get photo opportunities for this interesting butterfly, so I was pleasantly surprised to find out that it had not been blipped by me before, I was very happy too, as I had nothing else and was going to have to go out in the sun for a second safari.

As butterflies go, this species is quite flitty and difficult to approach. The wings were in constant motion, opening and closing. I took about 15 shots, timing the shutter release as best I could. I was lucky to get one good shot out of the session, in fact, better than any previous session too.

After collecting the available shots, I had the option of trying the blowing on the wings trick, but given the butterflies shyness, I decided to get down and try for a side view first, however the sound of my creaking bones, struggling to the ground was too much and she was gone for good.


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