
By Grammy

That’s A Lot Of Blossoms

Overcast and mild, humidity gone today. Last night’s storm was minimal and it left us with a beautiful day. Up early to get a picture of this crepe myrtle before the owners were out and about. Passers by probably thought I was looney standing in the road taking pictures. I am happy to report my sister and I have finished all sewing on our projects. All we have to do is glue a tiny piece of wood on each item and this labor of love is complete. It was so nice out that I did the work sitting on the back deck after breakfast and prayers. Hubby brought the camper home but had to make a few trips to do it; left the hitch key home. He has been busy with maintenance checks, airing tires, etc. Plus he checked to make sure my sister’s property had no storm damage. My grandson’s team won his bracket and they are heading home (in heavy rain at the moment). My other daughter and family are home but a tire blew apart on their new camper during their ride home and damaged the brake line. Sometimes I think they live under a black cloud. My quiet weekend is coming to an end so I’d better grab the Kindle for the last few hours. “Advice from a TREE: Stand tall and proud. Sink your roots into the earth. Be content with your natural beauty. Go out on a limb. Drink plenty of water. Remember your roots. Enjoy the view!” - Your True Nature. Thanks for stopping by.

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