
By Grammy

The Good, the Bad and The Ugly

Hot and very humid again today. But oh my, the thunderstorm we had last night. Much worse than the last two storms, both in length and intensity. There were over 40 instances of trees down, several from my house to my daughter’s and the lightening was fierce. The neighbor’s large oak in front of my daughter’s home took a direct hit; Kim and her family saw it strike (from inside of course). The winds were measured higher than 60 mph where my sister lives. Let’s hope there will be no more storms till I get back home. I finished all jobs necessary before leaving home, including dead heading my three butterfly bushes, changing the linens and doing two loads of laundry. Hubby is still feeling under the weather, so he slept in until late morning. You are getting a sneak peek of my perennial hibiscus. The storm destroyed the first bloom (and knocked over my tomato plants). Hopefully it will open and I can run home and capture it for tomorrow’s blip. That is the good. The bad is the wet basement floor in hubby’s shop. Another casualty of last night’s storm. And no, Hubby is not the ugly. Rather, it is the black stain on my bricks that results from the rainwater rushing down off the roof and deep into the ground/basement. We have a very high pitched roof on the garage that butts up to a moderate pitch on the house. Hubby put in extra guttering pipe on the gutter above his head in the photo. The force of the water leaves a ditch so he filled in the hole (again). We will see what happens. We already have a French drain installed in the front flower garden but it wasn’t able to catch all the rain last night. But, at least we are not going through a drought so I welcome the rain. The rainbows that followed were phenomenal. “The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.” —Dolly Parton. Thanks for the visit.

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