It’s not Elvis!

This is Buzz, who lives in the main house, and who barks at anything and everything, but he’s very friendly really!
The house is on a the bend of a very narrow lane, and there are always cars and horse transporters slowing up on the corner, walkers, dogs and horses with their riders either off for a walk or on their way to the pub which is 100 yards away. So he sees plenty of traffic going past the gate and he barks at every single thing!
It’s very different for us because Elvis almost never barks! Not even when strangers come to the door, and we’d rather he did!
We’ve had a very relaxing day reading, and walking around the garden, but the mobile phone signal is non-existant, so when the tracking person called, we didn’t get the call, just a missed message. We did however get an sms reminding us to do the 2-day test on or before day 2! Well that makes it a day 1 test then, but we did it anyway!

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