
Today has been good.
Charlotte woke around 4 having filled her nappy. We took it in turns to try and get her back to sleep, but I think the emergency shower had woken her up!
Eventually we broke the rules and she had milk, sleeping from 6-8:15.
Uncle John arrived to collect daddy bringing with him home made bread sausage sandwiches. They were yummy. Charlotte devoured hers.
I then battled to get Charlotte to have a morning sleep, we compromised around 11am for 1/2 hour chilling.
Lunch followed

We then decided Charlotte was so tired we would go for a drive - Charlotte slept for about forty minutes, only waking when the car stopped outside subway.
Lots of laughs giggles and general mischief making today.

Couldn't resist taking these shots of the Banana eating escapades!

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