Open gardens, and some great memories

I went to an amazing garden, open under the NGS scheme, and it was fabulous.

Apart from the beauty of this gorgeous place, I met some lovely people : the welcoming hosts, a gardener I know from Shugborough, and two ladies who were volunteers at The Orangery, Ingestre. They told me that they’ve opened for afternoon teas. 

Way back at the beginning of my teaching career, in West Bromwich (before it became Sandwell), we would go to Ingestre Hall for courses, sometimes with pupils, sometimes for staff training. In those days there were lots of young staff (21 “probationers” in my school when I joined). Those courses were a bit lively ! 

Apart from those memories, I was reminded of the stunning church, the only one by Sir Christopher Wren outside London.  I’ll return to Ingestre and take photos of the Hall, but I’ve slipped in an extra of St Mary the Virgin……such a treasure.

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