
By Legacy

Who Am I?

Please try not to pay any attention to the focus issues in this blip -- somebody just tell me if this is a Black-capped Chickadee. If it is, I know that's pretty basic bird ID for you bird blippers out there, but for me it's a big deal since I don't get many birds to ID in the first place.

I'm pretty sure a Northern Flicker stopped by the suet cake this afternoon; at least he fits the description in my bird book. He had a dotted chest and stripey wings, a long beak and some red spots. I think I also had a visit from a Finch today -- looked like a Purple Finch, but my bird ID skills can't be trusted.

Tomorrow my friend Mary Jo and I are headed to the WOW (Wings Over Water) birding festival at Drayton Harbor which is on the Pacific Flyway, a major north-south fly route for migratory birds. Assuming the birds have heard about the event there could be as many as 30,000 of them, and up to 250 species attending, or so we're told. So, it could be a veritable bird blip gold mine. If that's the case, you guys will be the first to know.

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