Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

Boadicea in Bellingham?

This was my favorite photo from today's St. Patrick's Day parade. The lovely lady in green is the instructor of Cynthia's Silver Sneakers class at the Y -- she was in C's Friday blip, wearing a different outfit.

I decided to use my "big" Panasonic camera today because of its longer zoom lens. I'd only used it once in the last few months when I blipped the first hummingbird of the year, and had forgotten how to use it. It didn't seem to be focusing very well, but I'd just got a new contact lens for my right eye -- the one I had cataract surgery on -- and thought perhaps I hadn't adjusted to it yet.

When I got home, I realized that the camera had been set to manual focus. This was one of the few usable photos. Luckily, I'd also shot some with the little Olympus XZ-1.

Lesson learned.

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