
It's been a slightly odd day - Danny's had a mad one and been here there & everywhere (including getting his 2nd jab). The kids and I made cards for my Grandma in France and then saw Juliette & Giorgia for a juice. Nate was utterly taken with Giorgia and kept pointing out all of her little features. Home for a very late lunch. Then we get a call saying our friend is unwell and has tested positive for Covid and that we need tests too. Obviously cancelled the kids plans of a friend coming for a sleepover, cancelled my plan of dinner with Juliette, etc etc. Booked and had our tests (wow, what a weird sensation!!) and were told it'd be 6 hours for the results...but by 2 hours they were in and negative, thank the Lord. So suddenly all plans were back on but behind time. 
Juliette, Giorgia and I had a brilliant time together at a tiny fish place. The food is really simple but full of flavour, the restaurant itself is just little tables dotted amongst the rocks...no pretentiousness. A lovely setting to catch up on all things babies.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Negative test result.
2) Time with Juliette - so glad she's here for this month!
3) The kids being able to have their friend over.

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