Showing Off

Our Flumlet day again, so Mr Flum suggested that we take him to Pittencrieff Park in Dunfermline, to see the baby peacocks, which had featured on social media recently. Peacocks roam wild in the park during the day but have their own enclosure.

First he had a wonderful time at the playpark, which exploits its position on a slope by creating super slides between two levels of very good climbing and swinging equipment. We then set off for the Peacock House, but on our way ,another visitor overheard and pointed out that they were by the Glen Pavilion, behind us...and this is the scene that greeted us - the peacock displaying to three peahens. They, I have to say, were not overly impressed but hung around, enjoying the show. As did the Flumlet, who was thrilled to see the birds at all, but especially this boy in his prime. Extra photo is a fun one, taken from a different angle, of the rear of the displaying tail with one indifferent peahen.

Down at the peacock House we did catch a glimpse of the pea-chicks, but through the wire netting of the enclosure, a ?child safety-gate and two layers of mesh over their window, so no photos. Nor did we find a single 'eye' feather, though one or two patterned ones from the neck area and a wing feather found their way home to add to the treasure trove.

Back at the house he had plenty of ideas of how to play with the animals, making, in effect, three set pieces. He used the cellophane sweet wrappers as 'feed' for some dinosaurs/lizard/toy elephant, set a group of elephants and lions opposite each other as a 'savanna' scene and for another, collected all the water birds/animals and set them on large pieces of blue paper (old wallpaper samples, mostly), setting the tortoise/terrapins on stones collected from the garden - such imagination is wonderful to see. And I have fewer animals to put away this week (and he didn't find the 'new one' so that can stay a secret until next time).

He was delivered home in good time for his tea and a promise that we can see him next week as well. 

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