
Today is my 2000th blip!

Little did I know, when I first began the 12 month challenge (back in 2012), that I’d be back here 9 years later.

As with any good story, there was a brief intermission of a few years, before the pull of Blip coaxed me back into action.

Everyone has their own reason for blipping; although I admire everyone else’s photography skills, my blip serves as a journal of my daily life. It’s fantastic to reflect back on that.

Even more fantastic is that I have all you lovely people along for the ride and it’s also nice for me being the nosey bugger that I am, to follow your daily lives too!

So I’ll finish by saying a HUGE thanks to everyone who pops by my page with a comment, star or heart. All of which are very much appreciated :-)

DQ x

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