Breakfast chat

Lincoln decided to come and chat over his breakfast this morning. He's so passionate about what he talks about. This morning it was all about Roblox, and his drawing skills too. 

The Jedi was up at 5 am so he had a very early morning nap. I had him napping before 9am. While he was sleeping I got the other Wildlings to put away all their clean laundry, including Harp. She loves helping. I do have to sort it out after as she just puts everything in two drawers, but the boys are good at putting their clothes away. 

Today we have been to two different playparks with different friends. My wildlings get on better if they are out and about. And I am also trying to sort out ballet classes for Harp. She keeps asking. So I have the info and will speak to Mr R. And it would be good for her to have something like that. Although I've seen dance mom's ;-)) . I did tap as a child and enjoyed it. But I always remember the drama between some parents. I'm too laid back for that . 

I am now making the Wildlings dinner and then it's bath time after. I may partake in a gin tonight when they are sleeping. I can justify the extra calories. And it's certainly not as much as wine . 

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