
You might like to convince me that you're going to be such a pretty flower but I have secateurs in my hand and NOT because I'm picking flowers for a vase! 

Such a wet morning, even with a gazebo I daren't leave an electric kettle out for the painters. I filled a flask. I don't think they'll be here today but it may fair up later.

I was off to The Mate's. After watching a very good RPS talk on printing, we not only invested in a new Canon printer but also bought a better spectrophotometer. We've used X-rite before but chose a model that would do paper ICC profiles as well as calibrate our screens.

I have some important images I need to print soon so we may as well do as much as we can to get them right. It took us a few hours to watch YouTube videos about the product then download it onto our machines and do the calibrations.

There was a lot of stuff to think about, all very technical so I needed a break and some fresh air so I got The Mate's secateurs and went out into the garden. These brambles were rapidly spreading from a neighbouring property. Sleeping Beauty would have been reassured by the protection they were attempting to give the property.

It had been too wet for painting today so I retrieved the tea tray and went for a little jog. 25 minutes of jogging in undulating countryside came as a shock after Edinburgh canal towpaths.

I rounded the day of by watching a recording of an RPS Zoom with Janet Haines talking as a PermaJet Ambassador on creating good prints. It reinforced what I'd been doing earlier.

C2 5K: W7 R3

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