We were not embarking on a religious retreat when we set off for our weekend away but the window in Masham church just has to be my blip for today. Though I wish I could have taken a decent photograph of the whole of it.
We have spent a lovely relaxing day in the village, so much to see, so much to take in. The church, the local market where I bought a hat which HOW said looked okay (?!), The Gallery full of local art, sculptures and crafts; the old-fashioned sweet and fudge shop; and Johnny Baghdad's cafe were all money well-spent, though the waistline may take a while to recover. A wonderful day.
And now it is a short trundle from our rooms in the courtyard across the cobbles to the hotel restaurant, and if last night's meal was anything to go by we will be fit to bursting again in a couple of hours!
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