Photographic Time-nine.

We're meant to be holding up nine fingers between the 4 of us! Nine years of blipping - I so appreciate this place and you blippers. It and you have had a profound effect on my life.

A morning in the park...including playing table tennis with a football as we couldn't find the ping pong ball. Home for a chilled afternoon as the temperatures soared today (so not that 'chilled') and there were weather warnings out. Then once the sun was low we headed to the rocks. Danny made burgers and wedges and we had a lovely time. So so many crabs tonight - I've added an extra of one that grabbed a bit of Asha's bread. 
The good bits today were really good, but the less good bits have been a bit difficult. Nate can be a little whatsit sometimes! Though he's made us laugh this last day or 2 insisting we all call him Frida Kahlo, haha!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Nine years of this brilliant place - thankyou Bulliblips for being the one to get me hooked here!
2) Asha being super contented pottering around the rocks studying the crabs and fish. So lovely to see. 
3) Danny being the brave one out of the 2 of us - got home from the rocks to find a big cockroach right outside our apartment door...eeeeeeek!!!

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