
By BlipCommunity

Rekindling a passion

We chuckled at Vadim’s explanation of his profile picture as we think this is a feeling that many photographers (including us) can relate to:

“I do not like to be photographed.” 

However, this one he chose for its significance to photography - it was taken in the camera shop by the seller when he bought his camera. And he added, “It seems symbolic.”  

We like that!

As a schoolboy, Vadim took a lot of photos of his friends using a film camera. He then had a very long break from photography until he realised that he was lacking creativity in his life.  This is when he rekindled his passion, but this time, digitally.

Towards the end of 2012, he went to an exhibition of the Finnish photographer and blipper, darsa. Darsa used a great analogy as he recommended Blipfoto.  He told Vadim to see it, “as 'finger rehearsals' (just like musicians do every day.)” Vadim registered on Blipfoto, liked the platform and after a very short while, started uploading photos every day.

Vadim lives in the stunning city of St Petersburg in Russia but he has two favourite subjects in his photography.  St Petersburg is an endless source of his inspiration for him and then there are his two grandchildren who he finds just as interesting to photograph.  

He has an incredible eye for noticing detail and you may already have discovered Vadim on Blipfoto. Visit his journal here.


Meet Vasilenko.

I live in the most beautiful city and like to walk - all my pictures are about what I see during my walks in St Pete. I’ve never really considered having a particular photographic style and I’ve never used my journal as a blog. Blipfoto's importance to me is in the photograph and the record of things I saw today and I like to believe that my pictures tell my story without explanations.  

There are lots of fascinating and friendly people from all over the world on Blipfoto.  Everyone needs support and acknowledgment and the Blipfoto community is very benevolent.  I value that a lot. 

My motivation to blip is a desire to catch something interesting and to share that with others. In my journal, I simply choose the most fitting picture from my day, as I perceive it… It’s a very personal choice although there are some days (perhaps like every blipper) when I only have a choice of one! :)  

The biggest challenge with daily blipping is to find and shoot an interesting story. It’s especially difficult in winter, however, when daylight time is short.

Over time, I think that, using Blipfoto, my photos have become more professional. On top of that, Blipfoto helps me to keep fit!  I noticed that my walks are getting longer and I tend to just keep on walking until I catch something interesting.

Vadim leaves us with this perceptive thought: 

A Blipfoto journal is worth starting and you will find it will only get more interesting further on.
Vasilenko’s Top 10 
Vadim has shared his favourite ten blips with us.  Enjoy them here in this short film.

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