Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated


This was the first morning of volunteering at Starbank Park. The upside of feeling detached and numb I wasn't feeling nervous. In fact I got to the park without really remembering the walk. 

I was asked if I could weed the star (blip).  I was shown again where the tool shed was, so got the fork, bucket, and kneel pad and got to work. You couldn't see a lot of the soil for the weeds so it was a full on job. I then watered it and planted more Geraniums. A few more volunteers came over to say hello and one planted a few while I sorted the hose. 
Ended up doing 2hrs instead of the 1.5hr. It's relaxed , you can do what you can manage. 
The trickiest thing was balancing on a steep hill. Was scared I was going to end up at the bottom or face plant into the soil! 

Left there and went to the chemist for meds and a Covid home test. Thankfully it was negative, but I'll do another one in  a few days just to be sure. My friend who has it feels really ill. One of her sons and her husband have it too, but with no symptoms. I've been thinking about her all day. 

The afternoon has been on the sofa feeling tired, don't really know how I spent it. 

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