9pm Sunlight Through Trees

A misty start to the day, but cleared, and a sunny and warm day.  The mist has come down again tonight.

Another early start in the airport, and started on the check-in desk.  The misty morning meant one cancelled flight, and the only thing to take off was the millions of flies that are around just now!  When the mist cleared, we had eight planes land in an hour, including an international.  We got all the rest out on time, and caught up with the delayed passengers.  I'm loving this job, and the organised chaos, defo made the right choice to move jobs.  Been up to Brae this evening to pick up native Shetland birch trees, and walkies with Sammy, also Julie and Keba.  Popped by Madeline's caravan for a cuppa too, they are up there.  Off to bed early again tonight. 

The mist was coming down when we headed north, but sun was still shining on arrival.  Just typical summer weather here, a few days of nice sunshine, and then the mist comes in.  It was good to have an evening walk in the sunshine, even peering through the trees.  Taken next door to Roseville (which I Blipped last week), Brae. 

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