Win win win!!!

A busy day starting with a coffee morning with some of my sewing ladies, two of whom I haven’t seen for 16 months. I had to leave early as I had a routine opticians appointment in a neighbouring village. 

The lady that I normally see has retired and it was good to meet a colleague who did a great job and was so informative.  There have been no changes, everything’s in good condition and functioning well. I explained about my surgical escapades last year and the ‘dreaded drug’. He checked me very carefully to make sure that the drug had not caused any damage as it has the potential to do so …, thank goodness. That would really have added insult to injury!!!

We took Amber with us on the trip and whilst I was in the opticians they had a walk round the village. B took a picture of mum duck and her babies, in case I needed a blip, so it’s in extras.

We then drove into Lincoln for coffee and cake at the Lawn cafe near the castle. We haven’t had any Stokes coffee for ages and it was a boost to the old brain cells!!! The weather was perfect for sitting out and there were a comfortable number of people about.

The next place to visit was the quilt shop uphill in the Cathedral quarter. I bought some material for the quilt that I’m working on at present. There was so much beautiful fabric, but I was in for one thing only and resisted the temptation to browse……B & Amber were outside, peering in the window!!! 

The final place to visit was down town to collect the pictures that we dropped off on Tuesday for framing. The traffic was slow moving and there were lots of shoppers. 

Home to put things away, then a nap!!!! Five and a half hours on  the go, is good going for me!! 

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