West Coaster

By WestCoaster

The Big Hit

I took the twins to the park this morning, it was grey and overcast again with snow forecast so we made the best of the early morning. The pitches were being used by one of the local schools for their home rugby fixtures and as the twins played on the swings I wandered over to watch a bit.

I played a lot of rugby in my younger years, I only started playing as there were 15 in the team and I had a better chance of getting on the school team than being one of the 11 who would be picked for football. I seemed to have a flair and played wing as I was very quick in those days... not so much now!!!

I caught this shot, a single frame more luck than judgment and thought it would be a bit different from my normal shots, I like stationary targets but this will remind me that I can actually take an action shot in the future when I am sure normal service will be resumed and I fail dismally.

The ball was successfully passed as the hit came in and the greens went down the pitch and scored.

Have a good Saturday everyone

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