Looking for .....

..... frogs and they did find one which they were very keen to show me ...... it was about the size of a finger nail. According to mum there had been plenty of spawn earlier in the year but there had been very few frogs.

So hot tonight ..... at nine o'clock it was still 23° ..... think I'll be sleeping with the fan on.

I had to take a friend to the local hospital minor injuries this evening .... no joy there so many people waiting and they close at nine o'clock so without even switching the engine off we were directed to the QEUH .... the large hospital on Glasgow's south side. Their minor injuries was overflowing too so friend was directed to A & E where the waiting time was anything up to 5 hours and because I wasn't family I couldn't go in with her
so home I came. She phoned about half past nine to let me know her leg had been bandaged but she still needed a doctor to see the damage that had been caused by catching your leg on the corner of your car door.

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