
By Mindseye

Fields of green

Late to bed again, didnt sleep particularly well, despite being tired, woke several times, up later than Id have liked, so a bit of a rush to ready myself for my friend coming round at 10.30 lol!

Watered my baskets just before she arrived and we then set off for our planned walk.....one that ive done alone several times. Was nice to have some company we chatted and had a major catch up, eventually wound our way to Costa for chilled liquid refreshments, as it was a lovely bright, pleasant morning, perfect for walking. After our time out, we walked back to our house and C did my nails for me...Im not very good myself, unlike her. I now have very sparkly pink finger nails :-)

Todays blip was a phone snap taken during our walk, across the fields, at the back of Haydock Racecourse......looks perfect dont you think?!

After C had gone home, I made myself something to eat, as it was 2.30, just a wuick scrambled eggs on brown toast. I then had several phone calls to make, some more admin related stuff to do, my new car is in the pipe line.....but feeling a,bit,reluctant to let our current one go as its another link to hub that is going to disappear soon :-( I can easily picture him sat beside me in this one <3

I am looking forward to meeting up with our afternoon ladies who lunch later this week, we've not met since last September. I made the bookings only to be advised today that 90% of their kitchen staff are having to isolate, so they can't accommodate us...now frantically trying to find an alternative !!

A late dinner this evening, just a tuna jacket potato with salad.....enjoyed it though, noticed its been raining! We must have had a quick downpour at some point!

Been watching the France v Switzerland game, really good, the swiss were far the better team, until they missed that penalty and left the door open for France, who are currently wiping the floor with them now :-/

Not so sure I will be so relaxed tomorrow!!

Hope you are all safe & well

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