The Woodland Garden (Monday 28th June 2021)
Both of today's images were birthday presents back in May, and have been giving good value ever since. The petunia is 'Thunderstorm' and its flowers have a wide variety of patterns, and in Extras is a bottlebrush plant that is just now coming into flower.
Monday 28.6.2021 (2116 hr)
Blip #3469 (#3219 + 250 archived blips taken 27.8.1960-18.3.2010)
Consecutive Blip #002
Blips/Extras In 2021 #125/266 + #074/100 Extras
Day #4114 (901 gaps from 26.3.2010)
LOTD #2612 (#2452 + 160 in archived blips)
Old Forge series
Flora series
Woodland Garden
Macro series
Taken with Pentax K-50 (Red) and Sigma AF 17-70mm F2.8-4 DC Macro HSM lens
The Woodland Garden (June 2021) (Flickr album)(Work in progress)
In The Woodland Garden, 28 June 2021 (Flickr album of 14 photos)
Lozarhythm Of The Day:
Porij - Nobody Scared (2021)
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