Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Wet bark

It was misty and damp all morning, almost autumnal weather except it was not cold. I liked how the colour of the bark almost looked pink as it was so wet - I did think this would work well in mono because of the texture but actually the colour version was better.

The effect of the extended periods in lockdown that people in the UK (and elsewhere) have endured is that we have become reluctant, even possibly frightened, to go out and start mixing in public again. However I came to the realisation that as we become fully vaccinated it is probably more harmful to remain all shut up avoiding other people – humans are social creatures after all, and only today there was a news article that loneliness is a bigger health risk than smoking or obesity. However then we heard the news about Andrew Marr (for those outside of the UK, he is a highly respected journalist and TV presenter) getting Covid after being fully vaccinated and being rather ill with it – although as the doctor who he was interviewing at the time said, he was ill but not so ill that he needed hospitalisation or was at any serious risk of dying. So - is life is too short to stop going out and doing the things we love like socialising, travelling and mixing with other people, or will life be shortened if we do that? Personally, I trust the science and believe that the vaccine will protect me from serious illness, I will still be careful, and fingers crossed I will be okay. 

I was very pleased that after a long break the next season of Handmaid's Tale is back - I always get drawn in by the beautiful imagery and filming, it is so artistic - amongst other things!

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