Unintentional Pareidolia
Pareidolia is a new word to me. Newish anyway - I first heard of it (that I recall) here on Blipfoto.
I was going to title this shot something like "Even the most boring building..." followed by "...can look half interesting with a bit of luck" but as soon as I saw Blip's suggested thumbnail it got the above title. It's not the best example I've seen (although pareidolia is, after all, in the eye of the beholder) but it struck me. (I've added the tag so you can see more, although many people don't use tags so a search proves more useful. (NOTE: you can only see the face I see in the thumbnail.)
Anyway, I will spare you a traditional shot of the building. This atrium is the only redeeming feature (architecturally) in my never humble opinion. I went to see my GP here today to help start me on the journey of discovery as to why my left knee's been causing me grief for some months now.
I asked him, in passing, about getting a vaccine - he told me 2nd October (although I can "legally" traipse across Sydney to get one earlier if I want). We seem to have gotten the first part of COVID right but not doing so well now.... although thankfully very few cases compared to elsewhere in the world. Could be some time before we let any overseas tourists / relatives / students in.
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