Stonor Park

We've had a great day today, meeting up with daughter#1 and family, including of course grandsons Rory and Joe. For a change from Burnham Beeches we met at Stonor Park near Henley-on-Thames. The boys spent over 2 hours in the adventure park which was really exhausting, for us at least. There was a super water pump and distribution system which they loved. When we arrived just after opening they had it to themselves (main blip, mrsfb helping out too) but later on it was really busy. It was interesting then to watch how the different children interacted. There was an ongoing battle, mainly boys, over which way the water should be diverted, left or right. At one point a little girl tried to introduce some moderation by pleading 'we need to make it more even' but she was largely ignored and the battles raged on.

There was also a huge climbing structure with ladders, bridges and slides (extras 1 & 2).

We had some excellent pizzas for lunch and then a walk though the gardens (extras 3 & 4). Joe's speech is coming on very well now, he comes up with entire mini sentences and understands everything. His counting is coming on too. He counted some of the flowers in the garden. It was a bit like that Morecambe and Wise sketch though - he knows all the right numbers, but not necessarily in the right order!

One year ago
If It Looks Like A Duck ....

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