Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Pansies, petunia and other June flowers.

Earlier it was very warm and sunny. We were awake before 7am as Arthur was miaowing insistently for breakfast. Somehow we have been blessed with grace and great love for Arthur because without that, his immensely loud dawn yowling would be too much.
I watched Beechgrove Garden at 9 : 30am. I love learning from the Beechgrove team, and it provides so much inspiration.
Now, it is colder and overcast. Looking forward to Songs of Praise.
I am missing my daughter Maria. Last weekend was over so quickly.
Feast Days of Saint Cyril and Saint Zoilus.
Paul has kindly been to the Tip/Recycling Centre while I stayed home and prayed the Rosary. He took the old trampoline, the two broken Espresso machines and the broken DVD player. So a good de cluttering. He bought us a new DVD player yesterday, so I am happy to be able to see Noah this afternoon.
This collage is a selection of bright June flowers to uplift the spirits on this peaceful Sunday.
Thank you for visiting my site and take care blip friends.

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