Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Pink Peonies.

The Feast Day of St. John and St. Paul and St. Salvius.
I know each flower has a deeper meaning but I have not yet discovered what it is for peonies. These two full blown flowerheads, slightly weather beaten, symbolise the gentleness of the feminine nature.
We have a good start to the morning. It is mild with a breeze.
Arthur went to the vet with Paul last evening.
It seems he could have a urinary tract infection and he was prescribed £75 worth of tablets he needs until he is back in good form.
I hope in our life time a free Animals Health Service is put in place.
Arthur went a bit like he was on cat nip all evening but is sleeping it off now.
Have a very enjoyable weekend and thanks for visiting my site.

Apparently in Japan, pink peonies symbolise romance and good fortune. Their traditional culture uses peonies to stand for bravery and honour.

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