
Fly and her dad came over for a walk this afternoon. It’s the first time I’ve seen T since he’s come back from his holiday and he came bearing treats ... thanks ceridwen! I’m going to thoroughly enjoy the homemade jelly and will be making some of the calming tea shortly...much needed, as will soon be evident.

After we’d come back from our walk we had a cuppa and then T and Fly headed off and I decided to bite the bullet. I’d noticed things weren’t right next door. I’d lifted my drain cover yesterday and all was fine but I realised things had got worse next door when I checked again.
The sewer was well and truly overflowing so ... wellies, gloves, drain rods and with much girding I lifted the covers and set to.
The chap from one of the second homes further along came to help and with the full length of rods deployed we thought we were defeated but decided to bravely face the final cover (I hope you’ve had your dinner) ... eventually... hurrah ...Success! It took a good few hours and a lot of cleaning up and disinfecting but glad to have got it sorted. All the cottages are getting heavy and continuous use since lockdown lifted and I’m not sure everyone understands toilet etiquette ... and ... question ... WHAT on Earth is it about doing a job like this that makes people come out and watch like gormless, unhelpful idiots? I asked one passer by who let his dog stand in the outflow if he would prefer to have a go himself seeing as he seemed happier gawping than walking ... and the woman in the holiday cottage who came out to observe the ‘staff’ said she was so fascinated. I suggested she might prefer to go back indoors to be fascinated in case I threw up on her.

Ceridwen, I can’t tell you how much I’m going to enjoy that cup of calming Pembrokeshire tea ... thank you!

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