
My Dad called this morning to say that he had a cold, maybe 'flu, and felt really rough. I asked if he wanted me to go over and he said No, as then I would have it too. He could barely hear anything I said on the phone, partly because he's deaf, and partly because the line was so bad - I could not hear him much better than he could hear me! I'll give him a call tomorrow and see how he is.

I walked up the High Street today, and there's virtually no shops! There are a few grocery corner shops but otherwise it's wall to wall barbers, beauty salons and mostly takeaway food! I took a detour to Morrisons. Both Zeph and Grace are not here for tea tonight so I thought I'd get some Morrison's salad from the salad bar, as it's ages since I had that. Like last time I tried to buy from Morrison's counters I left disappointed - more than half of the bowls were empty and no-one seemed in any hurry to top them up!

So I headed home. It has rained again all day. Last Friday was wet too! I didn't take my camera to town because of the rain - before going out i stood under my brolly in the back yard and took a few photos of the wall/hanging baskets. At least they won't need watering! There are many cobwebs too!

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