Day out.

“To the beach” came the cry. The Bento boxes were packed (pasta, salad, Grosvenor pie, little pork pies), flask filled with tea and water for Murdo the dog. Weather superb, too hot in fact – the dog, even in his dogkini was struggling but we all agreed a welcome day out. Paddling was done. Other dogs met.

If that wasn’t drama enough – on our way to St Andrews the temperature gauge in the car went through the roof! (figuratively, not literally). Parked up to let it cool down and plan our options. I knew of a garage a couple of miles away so off we went. At a reasonable speed the temperature was manageable (I had the heating on full blast to help dissipate the heat.) A plea to the mechanic was well met. In short, he sorted it for free there and then. Well done that young man. 

Home now and it is raining, so no need to water the garden.

I’ll count today as a win.

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