Leavers 2021

I have no words from Katie, I will add them when she speaks to me tomorrow. But tonight I have photographs from one of the on site staff. Photos that fill me with so much joy. The size of her genuine, massive grins makes me so happy. 

Tonight is the Y6 leavers night. Climbing, badminton, swimming, disco, fire pit, hot chocolate and marshmallows, party bags, camping on the junior school lawn. All organised by their teachers at the very last minute because so much of their leaving experience had been cancelled. So much of their whole year 6 experience had been cancelled.

But just look at her face. I cried. Watching a video of her leading the y6 girls dancing to Sweet Caroline. Again when I saw her in the photos so genuinely happy. Extras tonight. I'll add names, stories, memories, when she shares them, for her to treasure in the future. But I'll be treasuring the memory of the moment I saw that face. Ironically, the best thing about this "leavers" night is it shows how settled she is in her new school home. 

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