A Tiny Garden in NE Wales

By aTinyGarden

Soft morning light ... with extras.

Awake at 5am and the sun is up and casting the most amazing light in the valley. Low cloud is softening the shadows and the sky is azure blue. It's quiet as traffic is silent but the air is full of birdsong. I'm wearing an old t-shirt and slippers it's cold but so refreshing as the early morning sun bathes me with light. So many photo opportunities but I know this will disappear faster than my husband's homemade scones. I get snapping and grimace briefly at the confluence of overhead cables, but then reflect it wouldn't be my view if they weren't there. The sun quickly ascends and it's time to retreat back to bed with a hot cuppa. Three hours later and the blue sky has gone, replaced with blanket clouds of shades of grey and white.

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