
I think I bought and planted my blueberry bush about ten years ago. I planted it in a giant container on my deck. I put netting on it. I never get anything, the squirrels and birds always get everything. Sometimes they get caught in the netting and then suffer emotional trauma when I go out to save them. I was thinking this year I would remove the netting and just let them have at. I didn't get around to it. 

Cicadas!!!! Why mess with netting when you can stuff yourself with cicadas!! 

For the first time ever I was able to pick RIPE BLUEBERRIES. 

Samuel and I went to the happy hour driveway and I saw one of the guys go to the fence and open his beer and the cap dropped into this little bucket hung there for that express purpose. I just thought it was delightfully clever.  

I had such an excellent day at work. One of the groups organized a virtual ice breaker where people got together in little groups and answered silly questions to get to know each other. The head of the organization complimented the effort repeatedly. We all had a delightful time. One of the questions was what people wanted to do for a living back when they were children. A disproportionate number of us (myself included) wanted to be astronauts. Surprisingly though, none of us wanted to go into space with Bezos. 

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